
Pop-up club, café, gallery; open daily.
Temporary platform for new ideas and approaches.
From 4th to 27th of November 2022.

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When it first lit up nine years ago in a curve in Bubenska, it signified a new energy in electronic music. This time it will shine not only at night, but also during the day. A club, a café, a gallery; a platform for new ideas and approaches. A monthly evolving space for creation and meeting. A place for open-minded people who are interested in the culture of the city and culture in the city.


Bubenské nábřeží 306
Hall 17, Prague 7

Café bar

DJs almost every day, gallery, bar. A place to work and meet. Check out the opening hours and DJs program or see the pdf menu.

NEONE Night Guide

We’ve prepared a NEONE Night Guide PDF reader for you so you know our principles of organizing events and setting up venues.

Organised by

Lunchmeat, z. s.
Lannova 1540/6, 11000 Prague 1
VAT CZ22832980

PR & Social media

Anna-Marie Bártová
+420 736 133 523

Programming director

Jakub Pešek
+420 603 143 353


Michal Průcha
+420 724 929 541

Art direction



Technical partners

Media partners